About Foundation
Foundation Council
Creatively for Health Foundation was founded in 2016., its primary goal is health protection and promotion.

Health promotion is a fascinating, but also a complex matter, requiring a holistic approach to health and disease. The effectiveness of the measures to promote health depends on taking into account many different factors affecting human health - not only biological or genetic but also - and above all - social and cultural. The culture of social groups in which we function and the social processes that take place in those groups shape our beliefs, attitudes, and behavior toward health and disease. Dealing with health, therefore, requires an interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, the core of our team of specialists consists of – a sociologist, a psychologist and a doctor, the three key disciplines relevant to current health promotion.

We want to show that a healthy lifestyle does not have to be boring, nor does it require great sacrifice! We will organize for you and with you a variety of events, actions and public campaigns dedicated to widely understood health promotion.

We invite you to visit and contribute to the four workshops:
- In the Social Initiatives Workshop, you will find our projects and other good health promotion practices.
- In the Prohealth Lifestyle Workshop we work and teach how to live healthily.
- During the Healthy Aging Workshop, we show you how to age healthy, full of energy and optimism.
- In the Creative Reading Room, we present our publications and other interesting texts worth reading.

Scientific research in another important area of our activity. Annually we organize a National Scientific Conference "Sociology of medicine - health promotion - ..." and a Research Seminar "Promoting Health in Action".

Join us, and you'll find that a healthy lifestyle can be an exciting adventure!
Be with us and as we are – Creative for Health!